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Tangoe Mobile REST API

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Q & A

Commonly Asked Questions and Answers

Q: What activities do you provide tracking information for?

A: We only provide tracking information for the activities New Device and Upgrades. This will not be visible until the item has shipped.

Q: How do you send data back into the clients' system?

A: We have three different ways to send data into the clients' system.

  • The first option is a .csv dropped into an SFTP site every night with a list of records from that day.
  • The second option you can use our API to pull a list of records on a nightly basis.
  • The third option we can send data into your ITSM system if it allows for data to be sent into. We then create and close tickets to show that a transaction happened on our side. We do this by using our custom workflow engine.

Q: Where is Tangoe Mobile primarily hosted and where are the backups hosted?

A: Tangoe Mobile is hosted in the cloud through AWS.

  • Amazon can scale up if there is a lot of traffic
  • Amazon E3 servers
  • IT has documents to show how we are hosted with AWS
  • SSO can still be leveraged while being hosted in the cloud

Q: Can ticket numbers be captured by Tangoe from ServiceNow/ITSM or the originating system?

A: Yes. The attribute remote_activity_id is used to capture.

Q: Can Tangoe capture Arbitrary fields?

A: Yes, they can pass a custom field (shown below).

  "custom_fields": {
      "1": {
      "custom_field_id": "1834",
      "value": "RITM Value"

Q: What is the difference between Pagination and Rate limiting?

A: Pagination – when you make an API call and say you have 10,000 records you can only get between 100 and 1,000 so it’s not bogging down our system. Per page must be less than 1,000.
Rate Limiting - GET requests are limited to 100 per minute. Once the rate limit threshold is met, an HTTP status code of 429 (Too Many Requests) will be issued.

Q: Are these used for full data loads or synchronous delta loads?

A: API request is sent to a dedicated cluster to handle and is paginated. Your system may vary depending on how you are putting the data in a table and what you are doing with that data.

Q: Where do these values come from ("Esn","meid","msn" )?

A: ESN (equipment serial number), MEID (mobile equipment identifier), MSN (mobile serial number) They are all associated with most or all devices.

Q: Can Tangoe get data from Rogers Canada?

A: Yes

Q: For the API Response - ”business\_plans”, will the cost display in USD or Canada dollars?

A: We can display whichever you choose.

Q: Where do approvals happen?

A: There are several options. Our team is trained to handle approvals in the Tangoe platform followed up with an email to the corresponding client's manager. If you want all approvals to happen inside your ITSM, you will need to build out the logic inside your ITSM. You will need to pass "skip_approval": "true" to bypass approvals in Tangoe.

Q: Approvals - can email responses from the client approver ( “Approve”/”Deny”) be read through the POST response?

A: Yes

Q: Can the API supply usage plans?

A: No, but our API covers pulling business plans that will have this info for the client, and this is information can be exported from the platform as CSVs.

Q: Can personal credit card info be sent through the Tangoe Mobile API?

A: No, we can not accept credit card info through our API due to it not being PCI compliant.

Q: What environments does Tangoe support?

A: Tangoe has three environments. Sandbox, Stage, and Production. Sandbox is used for clients to get started and familiar with how the API works. It is only populated with dummy info. Once the clients' hr data including people and inventory are all loaded into production, then that information is refreshed into our testing environment/stage so the client can begin testing against their own data vs dummy data.

Q: How do I get billing info using the API?

A: To get this info for a single employee, you will need to add query parameters employee_id and details=true to URL https://{subdomain}.7.stage.thefutureis.mobi/1/lines?employee_id=12345&details=true for stage and for production

Q: What happens to any requests submitted during any outage?

A: Since our portal would potentially be down, there would be no way for Tangoe to know that a request was attempted. Error handling on the client side should be set up to retry and/or notify when down.

Q: Where do I go to see if the Tangoe Mobile portal is down?

A: https://status.mobiwm.com/
